Panguitch Loop, Plus – Sunset Cliffs, Losee Canyon Entrance,
The Black Mountain Lava Flow & Red Canyon Entrance
- This 5 to 7-hour ride adds more unique and beautiful scenic features to the Panguitch Loop (The 3 Canyon Loop). The “Loop” is 40 miles. The Loop is considered the most Scenic Canyon Ride in the USA. Adding the features below to the Loop adds 10-20 Miles Returning via BLM 1800 or BLM 1870.
Wildlife of Bryce Canyon you might see as you cross Panguitch Valley
- After heading across the Panguitch Valley our Recommendation is that you start your day in the Volcanic Lime Kiln Canyon and continue upwards.
Western Pronghorn (Antelope) of the Panguitch Valley
Lime Kiln Canyon’s Volcanic Ash Hoodoos
- At the top of Lime Kiln canyon turn Right (South) and head through Middle Hancock Canyon. At the next intersection turn right (west) and Take the Spur Trail Out to Peterson Point. After Peterson Point, backtrack the 2 ¾ miles. Descending through Barney Cove and Casto Canyon (50” wide or less) completes the Panguitch Loop (The most scenic canyon ride in the USA)
Ascending Lime Kiln Canyon
Lime Kiln Canyon Summit- the group heading South towards Middle Hancock Canyon; Blind Spring Mountain (in background)
The Point Spur Trail Overlook, East over Middle Hancock Canyon & 9990′ Hancock Peak (left)
Peterson Point Looking East, Casto Bluff is the butte in the distance
- As You exit Casto Canyon turn South (left) and continue along the base of the Sunset Cliffs with the Bryce Canyon Red Rocks on your left.
Casto Canyon Trailhead (Entrance / Exit)
BLM 1800 along the Sunset Cliffs
Middle Casto Casto
- In a couple miles you’ll cross the wash that comes out of Losee Canyon. There is a parking area here to view Losee Canyon; or if you choose to do a short hike up canyon you’ll be rewarded by up close and personal opportunities with the Bryce Canyon Geology.
- Continue South along the 1800 Trail/ Road to the Black Mountain Lava Flow. Slow down and take in the rapid change in rock color and formation. If you stop where the road goes down hill, you’ll notice a trail that goes into the old quarry on the N side of the Lava Flow. This short trail is steep and rough and you can olny turn around at the top of it- about 200 yards up the hill to the turn around area at the top. As you continue across the Black Mountain Lava flow on 1800 you’ll see the contrast of the Black Boulders that are the cooled rock evidence that this very viscous Basalt Flow literally burst out of the side of the Bryce Canyon Red Rocks aka the “Claron Formation.” Geologists estimate this happened about 1 Million Years Ago. Continue on to the entrance of Red Canyon where the trail /road 1800 ends.
- Turn Around Here facing back North, the way you came. Take in the view immediately to your East and look Back North. This is a great vantage point to view the entrance of Red Canyon and the “Black Mountain” – which consists of enormous black boulders formed as the Basalt Lava cooled and broke apart. Follow 1800 North and then West back to Panguitch where fuel and food await. Trail 1870 off 1800- just before you get back to Panguitch – can take you on to further adventure and you can come back in to Panguitch by taking 2350 back to Airport Road. This adds 10 miles more- putting your ride in the 60-mile range – IF you have the time, energy- and most importantly- the FUEL. Remember that if you want to ride more after getting fuel in Panguitch- many routes intersect here.
- The “Loop” plus Sunset Cliffs to Red canyon is 50 Miles returning via 1800. Returning via 1870 & 2360 by the Airport adds another 10 miles, totaling 60 Miles. This is no problem in a UTV / Side By Side because they have about a 100 Mile Fuel Range. 450 & 700 Premium 4wd ATV’s have a 60+ mile range. TTR 230 Dirt bikes primary tanks have a 50-60 miles range- with a 10 or so ile reserve petcock. YZ450 Dirt Bikes have about a 75 Mile range. Visibly Check Fuel in ATV’s and Dirtbikes, do not rely on the gauge if equipped. UTV’s fuel gauges are generally reliable. If you do this entire 50-60 mile ride- and want to ride more- you should DEFINITELY REFUEL quads or dirtbikes. UTV’s have longer ranges and fule gauges, so error on the side of caution if you have fuel range concerns for longer rides.
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